Category Archives: Abnormal Psychology



Depression is a persisting state of sadness with pessimistic thoughts and a loss of interest or enjoyment.

If you want to further your knowledge of depression, it is highly recommended that you read: Introduction to Coping with Depression (Overcoming: Booklet series) and Depression: The Evolution of Powerlessness.

Continue reading Depression



There are two main misconceptions about schizophrenia.

Firstly that people with schizophrenia are violent. This is not true, although some people with schizophrenia can be violent, that is not to say that schizophrenia causes violent behaviour. Many people are violent without schizophrenia. Continue reading Schizophrenia

The Tetris Effect

The Tetris Effect

The Tetris Effect




 Everyone has spent at least a few hours playing Tetris, but what happens if you play it for too long? Do you get square eyes? Well, sort of. Just like looking into bright lights leaves an after image on your retinas, you can see this when you blink. Look at this white square for 10 seconds, and then blink. Okay, now rapidly blink. The Tetris effect is similar to that after image, the difference is that the after image is present in the brain. Continue reading The Tetris Effect

Münchauser’s Syndrome

Münchauser’s syndrome is a syndrome wherein individuals afflicted attempt to either make themselves ill or pretend to be ill in order gain attention and sympathy from others. 

Münchauser’s syndrome is also referred to as Hospital addiction syndrome. Another form called Münchauser’s by proxy.